Equality and Diversity Policy adopted on 8 January 2013
Sociocracy UK is committed to eliminating discrimination and welcoming diversity amongst our members. Our aim is that our members will feel welcome, included and respected.
To that end the purpose of this policy is to provide equality and fairness for all in our membership and not to discriminate on grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexuality, religion or age. We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination.
All members will be treated fairly and with respect in accordance with our membership policy.
Our commitment:
• To create an environment in which individual differences and the contributions of all our members are recognised and valued.
• Every member is entitled to an environment that promotes dignity and respect to all. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated.
• Training, consultation and other opportunities offered by Sociocracy UK to its members will be available to all without discrimination.
• We will regularly review all our membership practices and procedures to ensure fairness.
• Breaches of our equality policy will be regarded as misconduct and could lead to disciplinary proceedings.
• This policy is fully supported by the board and has been agreed with member representatives.
• The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually.
• We will implement the intentions in this policy via an annual action plan.
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