13 Businesses, Schools, and Nonprofits Using Sociocracy
With some links to articles and youtube videos
(post from Diana Leafe Christian on Sociocracy yahoo group)
I. Four businesses using Sociocracy
(1) Creative Urethanes, Inc.
250 Independence Dr., Winchester, VA 22602
Richard Heitfield, CEO, 540-542-6676 info@CreativeUrethanes.com
Plastics manufacturing company making pipes, wheels, gears, and other products of urethane, with 30 employees and $20 million annual revenue, using Sociocracy since the 1980s. CEO Richard Heitfield is apparently very friendly and happy to talk with people about Sociocracy.
“Dynamic governance creates a radical change in the way organizations are run.”
—Richard Heitfield, Creative Urethanes CEO
Article on Creative Urethanes in Triple Pundit newsletter:
“Dynamic Governance: A New System for Better Decisions” (June 27th, 2014)
(2) Endenburg Electrotechniek
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Piet Slieker, CEO, http://www.endenburg.nl/
Electrical installations contractor with 120 employees, $20 million annual revenue, using Sociocracy since 1970. CEO Piet Slieker speaks fluent English.
In the Netherlands, companies of 30 or more employees, like this one, are required by Dutch law to have works councils, which are similar to in-house labor unions. However, the country's labor regulations exempt Sociocratic organizations from that requirement, because Sociocracy protects workers' interests better than the required works councils. Using Sociocracy changes what can be an adversarial relationship to a collaborative one.
“Our clients are convinced that this is the method to use because we have better-motivated people.” —Piet Slieker, CEO, Endenburg Electrotechniek
Youtube videos featuring Endenburg Electrotechniek:
“DG for Businesses” (original)
(3) West-Brabant Homecare
Roosendaal, Netherlands
Sonja Stilling, CEO, http://www.twb.nl
2,000 employees; using Sociocracy since 2009.
“It’s much more fun. You don’t get burnt out because you’re not the only one who has responsibilities.” — Sonja Stilling, CEO, West-Brabant Homecare
Youtube videos featuring Endenburg Electrotechniek:
“DG for Businesses” (original)
“DG for Businesses” (shorter version) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebbqYsKzuVY
(4) Fabrique Public and Industrial Design
Pakhuis Amsterdam, Jollemanhof 13, The Netherlands
http://fabrique3d.com/en English, http://fabrique3d.com Dutch, (+31) 12 775 3158
A multidisciplinary communication and design agency, creating new products: 100 employees in three locations (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Delft); $11 million annual revenue.
II. Four Schools Using Sociocracy
(5) Rainbow Community School (They know it as Dynamic Governance)
574 Haywood Rd, Asheville, NC 28806 · (828) 258-9264 http://rmcs.org/
Renee Owen, Executive Director, http://rainbowcommunityschool.org
Small private alternative elementary school.
Article on Rainbow Community School in Triple Pundit newsletter:
“What Can a School Teach Us about Organizational Agility?” (August 28, 2014)
“It’s made my job a lot more pleasant and I get a lot more done. . . ..Everything happens so much more quickly and runs so much better now.”
—Renee Owen, Executive Director, Rainbow Community School
youtube videos featuring Rainbow Community School:
“DG for Schools”
“What is Dynamic Governance?”
(6) Roombeck Schools
Enschede,The Netherlands
Bert Lambeck, Principal
20 grammar schools.
Youtube video featuring Roombeck Schools:
“DG for Schools”
(7) High Mowing School (They know it as Dynamic Self-Governance.)
222 Isaac Frye Highway, Wilton NH 03086
(603) 654-2391, (603) 654-6588, hms@highmowing.org
Private Waldorf grammar school.
(8) Austin Waldorf School (They know it as Dynamic Governance.)
8700 S View Road,
Austin, Texas 78737
http://www.austinwaldorf.org, (512) 288-5942
Private Waldorf school with 400 students, kindergarten through 12th grade.
Director Tim Daulter is happy to speak with people who’d like to know how the Austin Waldorf School is doing with this process. tdaulter@austinwaldorf.org
III. Five Nonprofits Using Sociocracy / Dynamic Governance
(9) Living Well Center (They know it as Dynamic Governance.)
Bristol, Vermont 05443
Dee DeLuca, CEO
802.453.3946, 802.453.6661, info@livingwellvt.org
Nonprofit 15-bed elder care home with 14 employees, using Sociocracy since 2010. They recently purchased the Ethan Allen elder care facilities and tripled their size.
“The level of participation from residents, staff, families, and the community is really high . . . Our rate of turnover is pretty much nonexistent.”
—De DeLuca, Living Well Center CEO
Article about Living Well Center in Triple Pundit newsletter: (July 9th, 2014)
“How This Residential Care Home Bumped Employee Engagement Into Overdrive”
Youtube videos featuring Living Well Center:
“DG for Healthcare Organizations” (original)
“DG for Healthcare Organizations” (shorter version)
(10) Lost Valley Educational Center
81868 Lost Valley Ln., Dexter, OR 97431
541-937-3351, info@lostvalley.org, http://lostvalley.org/
An intentional community in Western Oregon.
Youtube video on Lost Valley:
“Lost Valley: A Tale of Sociocracy”
(11) YWCA of Asheville (They know it as Dynamic Governance.)
185 S. French Broad Ave., Asheville, NC 28801
828-254-7206 http://www.ywcaofasheville.org/site/c.7oIEJQPxGeISF/b.8083909/k.BF1...
Beth Maczka, Executive Director
“It’s a great tool for solving problems, especially multi-faceted problems.”
— Beth Maczka, Executive Director, YWCA of Asheville
youtube video featuring YWCA of Asheville:
“What is Dynamic Governance?”
(12) Asheville-Buncombe Food Policy Council (They know it as Dynamic Governance.)
Susan Garrett, Facilitator-Elect
youtube video featuring Asheville-Buncombe Food Policy Council:
“What is Dynamic Governance?”
(13) Handmade in America (They know it as Dynamic Governance.)
125 S. Lexington Avenue, Suite 101, Asheville, NC 28801
Gywnne Rukenbrod, Exec Director
838-252-0121, http://www.handmadeinamerica.org/
“It’s more equal as well as efficient. It really helps empower people.”
—Gywnne Rukenbrod, Exec Director, Handmade in America
youtube video featuring Handmade in America:
“What is Dynamic Governance?”
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