Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

Sian Erica Davies
  • Greater London
  • United Kingdom
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I'm just learning about it
Please write a brief description of your experience of sociocracy and a bit about yourself
I am currently employed as a social worker but have a dream of setting up an intentional community with a social/therapeutic purpose informed by the different applications of systems theory.

I have been aware of sociocracy as a theory of organization and governance for some time now and am keen to learn more about the theory and practice.
Please tell us what you hope to get out of this membership site
Knowledge and maybe even some first hand experience of sociocracy in action. Beyond that I am not too sure.
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At 21:28 on January 18, 2014, Francois Knuchel said…

Please do let me know if there is anything specific we can help you with.  There are workshop later this year in London, would that interest you?

At 19:24 on November 9, 2013, Francois Knuchel said…

Welcome to Sociocracy UK Sian.  Sociocracy is becoming widespread as a form of governance in intentional communities around the world and is very relevant, so I hope you find the information you need, and will find courses and events to suit your needs.




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