Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

Constitution of interim unincorporated association tasked with incorporating Sociocracy UK

Constitution of Sociocracy UK Unincorporated Association

1. Name of organisation

Sociocracy UK
Henceforth referred to as The Association


Unincorporated Association


We want to see
- people in the UK consciously co-creating the future through the decisions that affect them,
- leaders equipped to guide their peers toward collaborative governance,
- organisations governed by their members with equivalence in decision-making for personal, community and planetary well-being.


Our mission is to increase awareness of and accessibility to sociocracy in the UK, by developing a membership network, disseminating information, promoting learning of sociocratic principles and practices, developing sociocratic experts and sharing model ways to make sociocracy work for communities, business and government at all levels.


An association to set up a sociocratic body with the following aims

To achieve our mission we offer:
- promotion, public relations and awareness building of sociocracy in the UK
- networking, collaboration and support for members of sociocratic organisations
- community of practice and exchange for sociocratic practitioners and learners
- online resources and connection for both general public and organisations
- advice and support of sociocracy training, facilitation and consultancy
- referrals to qualified practicing sociocratic professionals
- channels for accreditation & quality support


The Association shall have the power to carry out anything within the law necessary to achieve the group’s aims.

These powers will be carried out according to the principles of sociocracy including a structure of circles:

Top Circle (i.e. the Board of Directors)

General Circle (the executive team)

Sector Circles

Members Circle

The Top Circle shall consist of not less than 3 members nor more than 10 members.   The original members shall be those people first signing this Constitution.

The Top Circle shall adopt procedures for the appointment and dismissal of members of the circle and may in addition appoint not more than 5 co-opted members to include replacement of Top Circle members or appropriate expertise for the business of The Association.

Individuals shall be elected in accordance with the principle of consent after open discussion, at a meeting duly convened for that purpose. Elections shall be conducted annually or as deemed necessary by the circle.

Each circle shall elect from among its members a facilitator, a secretary and an operations leader.


Circle meetings shall be convened by the facilitator of each circle. All members shall be given reasonable and adequate notice of the meeting, including the exact time and place of the meeting, the agenda, and any relevant information necessary to make decisions on matters to be considered at the meeting.

The facilitator shall convene a special meeting within seven days of a request received from any member of the circle. Should the facilitator fail to convene a special meeting in accordance with this article, the circle member who made the request may convene a meeting of the circle.

Circles may develop their own policies with regard to the setting of agendas for meeting, which may allow for agenda items to be added or amended during the course of the meeting.
Each circle shall establish a quorum for the conduct of its business.

Each circle shall establish a procedure for obtaining consent from members who are absent from a meeting that makes a decision for which consent is required. The default position shall be that circle members shall have three days from the date on which the minutes of the meeting are circulated to object to a decision that has been made, but individual circles may vary this policy to suit their own requirements.

Each circle must keep minutes of all:
(a)    election of officers made by the circle;
(b)     meetings of the circle including:
i.     the names of the members present at the meeting;
ii.     the decisions made at the meetings; and
iii.      where appropriate, the reasons for the decisions.


6.1 Eligibility for Membership of The Association shall be open to:

a.  any person over the age of 18 years in agreement the Vision, Mission and Aims  of The Association and who have paid any annual subscription laid down from time to time by the membership and

b.     any body corporate or unincorporated association which is interested in furthering The Association’s work and has paid an annual subscription (any such body being called in this constitution a ‘member organisation’).

Each member organisation shall elect an individual to represent it at meetings of The Association; and may appoint an alternative to replace it’s elected representative at any meeting of The Association if the elected representative is unable to attend.   Each member organisation shall notify the name of the representative elected by it and of any alternate to the Secretary.  If the representative or alternate resigns from or otherwise leaves the member organisation, s/he shall forthwith cease to be the representative of the member organisation.

6.2 Joining and leaving  

Acceptance of membership shall be determined by process decided by The Top Circle.  

A member shall cease to be a member if s/he:

1.    Becomes incapable by reason of mental disorder, illness or injury of managing and administering his or her own affairs;

2.  Is absent without the permission of the Association from all their  meetings held within a period of six months and the Top Circle resolve that his or her office be vacated; or

3.    Notifies the Top Circle , in writing, of his or her wish to resign (but only if at least three members of the Top Circle will remain in office when the notice of resignation is to take effect).


All records and accounts to be available to all members.  Accounts to be provided annually.


Subject to the following provisions of this clause the Constitution may be altered by consent at a member circle meeting.   The notice of the meeting must include notice of the proposal, setting out the terms of the alteration proposed.


If the Top Circle decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Association it shall call a meeting of all members of the Association of which not less than 21 days' notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by consent the Top Circle shall have the power to realise any assets held by or on behalf of the Association.   Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to members, people, organisations as agreed by consent of the Member Circle.

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