Great Radio Interview with John Buck: We The People: Consenting To A Deeper Democracy : 4 April by Wayne Hurlbert on Blog Talk Radio.
From the radio blurb:
Dynamic self governance expert, CEO of the Sociocracy Consulting Group, and associate at Creative Learning Solutions, Inc., and co-author of We The People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy, John Buck describes the concept of dynamic self governance for any workplace, government, and organization. John Buck shares the foundations of socriocratic principles and practices to provide for more inclusive and collaborative leadership and decision making. John Buck provides the background to organizing an organization sociocratically, and offers the science behind the methods and how they work for all. John presents the methods for bringing more inclusive values and governance to any organization, and shares why the improved model provides greater overall benefits to everyone within and outside the organization; as well as boosting company profitability. Learn how to establish a more inclusive and collaborative model to any workplace or organization, while enhancing engagement and overall performance.
Views: 190
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