SociocracyUK – Invites to coming events + members update April 2012
Dear friends
John Buck is visiting next week during a flurry of activity, en route to the international convergenceof Sociocracy practitioners in the Netherlands on Saturday 14 April. Some members of SociocracyUK will be in the Netherlands too, to talk about our progress and plans.
Coming events
Grow! An unconference and seminar where people and organisations exploring organisational democracy will gather on Tuesday 10th April. Info and booking
The first formal UK Sociocratic Study Circle will meet on Thursday 12th April 10:00am – 12:00pm via teleconference. You are welcome to attend from wherever you are, if you are interested in learning, practising, gaining certification or receiving mentoring among peers. Reservation essential
In February a group came together to draft SociocracyUK's Vision-Mission-Aims statement, which we hope will guide our journey. We will meet again on Wednesday 11th April 2:00 – 4:00pm in Brighton to continue, and establish a pathway toward incorporating SociocracyUK as a legal entity and establishing formal relationships with the international network. Please contact even if you unable to be present.
Sociocracy (Dynamic Self Governance) workshop, Scotland 17-19 April, near Aberdeen, Inverness, Findhorn with John Buck
DecisionLab are planning a Sociocracy workshop in Wales later in the year. Please contact
We're recruiting and seeking new members
The next SociocracyUK circle dates are:
Tue 17thApril 10:00 – 11:30am on Skype
Tue 15 May 11:00 – 2:30pm face-face, central London
Contact Francois if you are interested in attending in person, by phone or Skype.
We're looking for interns, managing members, peers, collaborators, assistants to help us move forward, grow the community and provide useful resources for the community in the UK and beyond. It's an exciting time. If you are passionate about participatory working, organisational democracy, conscious business, lean and agile collaboration and think you have something to offer, or just want to get more connected, please contact
Help is at hand
We've been steadily improving our website, and adding blogs, videos and resources – including a simple one page graphic introducing the essential points; great for helping you explain to colleagues! - and the 'What is Sociocracy?' pages. What we would really like is to start collecting case studies, which might be just a paragraph or two. Please add yours here
We've created the site to help you self-organise. Please do post your events, stories and questions there.
You can now follow us on Twitter @SociocracyUK– please do help us by retweeting, suggesting us to your followers, and sharing your news with us to rebroadcast.
DecisionLab have been building a list of like minded others, that you may wish to follow too.
Video: Sociocracy for managing in schools
Please share, talk, broadcast and direct others to this site.... many thanks!
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