Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

4 – 11 Sep 2015, Pelion Centre, near Mount Pelion, Thessaly, Greece.

Week long work and play retreat in a Greek paradise with Martin Grimshaw. € 450 (includes food and shared accommodation)

Work Better Together

In this workshop you will experience and learn for yourself that beyond big words and ideas, the essence of Sociocracy is simple and elegant, that it can easily be applied to improve many aspects of your life and work. Sociocracy is a system and set of tools, which puts in to practice the values that humans instinctively hold dear, but which often disappear when we try to get things done with others, even if we try to do things ‘democratically.’ It is how we might go about getting things done if we forgot everything we’ve learned and started from scratch, as if common sense was common.

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