Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

A message to members of Sociocracy UK

Dear friends


To online members of SociocracyUK and those curious about Collaborative Governance

We hope this finds you well. We wanted to let you know about developments around the community, and how we can support each other in the growth of interest and use of Sociocracy, or Dynamic Governance as it is sometimes known.


There has been a lot of activity behind the scenes in recent months, but we really want to support an open, connected and growing community of our like minded peers. Add your own contribution to the site, and peruse the other members and their interests - maybe someone in this young community is just the person to help you right now?


Please do share this with others that might appreciate it, and rebroadcast any nuggets here that take your fancy, on your websites, Twitter feeds, LinkedIn and so on.


New short videos

New and highly useful short films are now posted using case studies from business, health service organisations and education. There is also a fantastic new series of 8 short interviews with Nathaniel Whitestone, giving a great historical, political and philosophical context, along with how collaborative governance relates to hierarchy, 'command and control', equivalence of voice and still getting things done. There is even a short film in French too


Establishing a Sociocratic Study Circle in the UK

We have been quietly working at creating pathways for ourselves and others, perhaps you, to be supported in learning and practising, professional development, and sociocratic certification. We would very much like to know what your learning needs are, and to guage interest. Please add your comments here:



  • There is now an easier way to see any relevant events, with one click; post yours there (and rebroadcast the link). Just click on the Events button at the top of the page 

  • The next social or co-learning workshop? Would you like to get together with like minded peers to have a beer or find out more? When? Where? Answers on a postcard, or perhaps as a comment here

  • 2 new CoLearning Workshops are being offered, at a time, place and price to suit YOU. Get deeper into Sociocratic good practice, covering 'Producing Organisation', Lead-Do-Measure, 27 Block charts for organising work and measurement, Money as Measurement and financial planning the sociocratic way - declare your interest here 



Maybe you have a niche interest, and would like to start an online group or shared, open workspace? Or a pet project you're now ready to seek collaboration with?

Why not try posting something here, and sharing with your peers?


1) You can find a simple one page graphic to help explain the basic essence of Sociocracy - print off and use as you like.

2) Part of our motivation for starting and supporting this community is because we sensed a lack of connection between people who have been using or discovering Sociocracy in the UK, and case studies have not been visible. Please post any stories and links that you know of here:

Blog articles
There are some great posts up, connecting the London riots, feedback loops, Changing the World by Changing the Way We Make Decisions, Marketing Sociocracy To Business, Organisational Permaculture and more. Please do rebroadcast your favourites on your websites, Twitter feeds and so on:


We will keep developments more visible from now on, and keep you connected with each other, with whatever time and energy we have. However, our role is to maintain this platform for your self-organisation. Please make the best use of this resource by checking in from time to time, sharing, asking and befriending.


There are two great and growing resources that you can now point others to, and add to yourself, using this link:

What Is Sociocracy?


Follow DecisionLab's Twitter @DLabCoop for regular sociocracy related news and training, or sign up to receive CoLaborative Times by email or check the events page there.


Thanks for your interest and very best wishes for all your endeavours!


Martin Grimshaw

on behalf of SociocracyUK's Louis, Sue, Julian, Nate, Francois

Visit Sociocracy UK at:

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