Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

Sociocracy Awareness Week 15th - 21st October

John Buck and Diana Leafe Christian will be visiting us for a week in October. John is the author of We the People: Consenting to a Deeper Democracy, a governance entrepreneur and pioneer of Sociocracy (aka Dynamic Governance) in the English speaking world. Diana is the author of Creating a life Together: Practical Tools to Grow Ecovillages and Intentional Communities and specialises in applying Sociocracy in communities.

There are many opportunities to meet John and Diana and learn how our Community can benefit from Sociocracy/Dynamic Governance.

Tuesday 15th October FF Living Education Afternoon.  As there is such high interest in this event please email Gordon McAlpine if you would like to come. Free for FF co-workers £25 - £40 NFA members. Venue tbc.


Tuesday 15th October Open Meeting 7.30 - 9.30pm in the Park Lecture Room

Wednesday 16th October Park Carpool Meeting 7.30 Park Lecture Room.

This is an opportunity for Community members to see Sociocracy in action. During the meeting we will be silent observers. Following the meeting we can ask questions as a result of seeing the process in action. John and Diana will also give feedback to the meeting facilitators.

Thursday & Friday 17th & 18th October Training at Newbold House

(Fully booked - waiting list available).

Sunday 20th October 12.30 – 2pm Sunday Slot - Open to all. Venue tbc

In addition to the events listed above John and Diana are holding meetings on the 16th and 21st October. These will take place with Findhorn Foundation Trustees and Management, with Department Focalisers and the FF Council, The NFA Council, East Whins Co-Housing Group, the Global Ecovillage Network as well as people in other key roles and organisations.

We are keen to see Sociocracy become part of our Community culture; in the NFA and the Findhorn Foundation as well as affiliated organizations. We believe it will lead to a clearer understanding of where we all fit, connect and find our place in the complex organisational structures that currently exist. Using Sociocracy will also give us a common language of decision making protocols, thus helping to move our Community forward in an equitable way.

A number of Community members and organizations are already working with Sociocracy and find it to be an effective method that creates efficiency, equivalence and transparency. The Park Carpool has used Sociocracy, since it started in 2009, with great success. Newbold House, the NFA Council and some of the Findhorn Foundation work departments are also working with Sociocracy.

To give you a wider context, more than two dozen intentional communities around the world, as well as for-profit and nonprofit organisations are at different stages of adoption of Sociocracy as their method of governance. NextGen used Sociocracy at the recent GEN Europe conference to select people for their representative structure.


We look forward to seeing you at one or more of these events.

Jane Hera and Ariane Burgess, for the Moray Sociocracy Practice Circle.


Followed by DSG Scotland Event in Edinburgh and Glasgow the following week, 21 - 25 October - Is Scotland ready for deeper democracy?



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