Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

Martin Grimshaw's Comments

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At 13:57 on July 28, 2015, Lisa Gill said…

Thanks! I've just started reading We the People. In fact, I'm reading Holacracy at the same time to compare. Thought I'm enjoying Holacracy as a book in its own right, I'm already finding some things are ruffling my feathers! I shall keep an open mind for now though in the spirit of Socratic wisdom...

At 9:35 on May 6, 2014, Greg Meanwell said…

Thanks Martin,

I've been looking for something like sociocracy for a long time, so its good to have found you.

At 19:23 on November 13, 2013, Vicenç Rul·lan said…

Thanks, Martin

At 15:00 on September 7, 2012, Ted Millich said…

Well, I'm not sure what you remember me saying about my video, but it is now done (after about 4 years) and is 29:06 long. I am dropping French and German subtitles into copies so that I can have something to present to speakers of those languages, but that is going very slowly. I'm trying to get it set up on Dynamo, but can't figure out how to get support to answer my questions.

At 12:33 on June 12, 2012, Susan Hayward said…

Hi everyone and thanks for the welcome.  I've just had a good chat with Louis and I look forward to working with you in any way I can.  My time, like yours, is a bit limited as I am running local things as well as planning an event for September.  Just trying to sort out Taster Workshops (see  Any ideas would be most welcome.

At 1:19 on December 9, 2011, Scott Krabler said…

Well Martin, wow! Two things, I'd love to share my general impressions; I could do that as soon as this weekend and I'm really flexible these days, so whatever works for you. We could skype, or ... 

Second, I think you're the first person to ever ask me about my particular needs. It has started a chain reaction of thoughts and I will have those refined before we hopefully speak.

Nice to meet you Martin. I will be online for the 12/21 Collective Social Presence Meeting and hope to chat a bit before then.

My best regards,

At 16:41 on December 8, 2011, Scott Krabler said…

Hi Martin, thanks for the welcome.

I've studied and practiced NVC over the past 11 years. Several years ago, I learned of Sociocracy, then I heard Marshall Rosenberg was looking at it as a model for expanding local NVC circles around the world. I then researched at least to the point I could get on board. Now, I'm ready to participate.

I've read much; yesterday John "tasked me" with reviewing the sociocracy information online. I've got a few more hours to spend before I find the rest of it and I'm enjoying what I'm finding. There does seem to be a bit of dis-connection among movement members, information and online resources. Among other things, I'm interested to see keywords associated with the movement from an outsider's perspective. I want to increase visibility worldwide.

I'm in Montana, just outside Livingston (Latitude = 45.6463, Longitude = -110.3546), about 2km above sea level. I've been a technologist most of my life and want to lend my expertise to bettering the world we live in. Sociocracy is at least one way to participate.

I'll definitely go through the ning's resources, probably still today.

Thanks again for welcoming me.

At 13:12 on September 14, 2011, Murray Stentiford said…
Hi Martin. Thanks for your interest. I'm looking forward to the online coaching with John that our New Zealand group will have on 19 September.
At 0:18 on March 6, 2011, Johnny Denis said…
Hi MArtin. Best wishes with this project. May it bear fruit..



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