Sociocracy UK

How-to, community & developing Collaborative Governance in the UK

Workshop this Friday 19 November, London: Group Processes in Collaborative Governance

Apologies for the short notice. As part of the ongoing Facilitative Leadership Programme delivered by London Creative Labs and DecisionLab, this Friday 19th we are running a 2 part workshop, which might be of interest:

Group Processes in Collaborative Governance is a two hour intermediate class for people who have had some previous experience with sociocracy, Formal Consensus or equivalent. We will focus on practice with leading the most important group processes of collaborative governance, including Proposal Forming, Elections by Consent, and the facilitation of a standard sociocratic meeting. This class will run from 4:30pm to 6:30pm on Friday the 19th of November. The class will be held in South London, location to be announced to those who express interest.

The other part of the workshop runs from 1pm to 4pm: Peer Mentoring and Personal Mastery for Facilitative Leaders is a three hour introduction to using the process that lies at the core of all effective personal transformation. Based on the Four Powers of Integrity, and appropriate for anyone with a commitment to learning about leadership and personal mastery.

Participants may attend one class for £40 or both for £75.  Members of Transition Town Brixton, get in touch to discuss prices! Participants in the Facilitative Leadership Programme are welcome to attend both as part of the Programme (for details on the FLP visit ). Please contact Sylvana 07714 028513

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