The seed of what we hope will become a new Sociocratic Study Circle, formally linked to the international community, is being established.
Please leave a message here if you are interested :)
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I might be interested, what do you mean by a "Sociocratic Study Circle"? What's involved?
Hi Ian We intend to have a teleconference to set up the design with John Buck for our UK sociocratic study circle. This will be between 10-12noon on Thursday 12th April. It will be based in Brighton. I will be sending out details for the conference call which will be facilitated by John Buck. Let me know if you can make it OR want to know the result.
best wishes Sue
Meanwhile, DecisionLab regularly offer training in some aspects of good sociocratic practice, including decision making by consent, facilitation and leadership, including bespoke or 'off the shelf' training, and consultation.
Our community of peers are together nurturing our collective ability to teach, consult and learn together, through SociocracyUK. Please do show your interest here.
As I understand it the study circle will be multi-faceted, so parts may include formal training, whereas other parts may be peer learning or discussions, which can be done online. As per my blog Creating Learning Modules we're also developing online webinars on various aspects of sociocracy, and we'll need to prototype/pilot-test these webinars, for which we'll need so volunteer participants - so there may be opportunities for free-of-charge online webinars. I'll keep you posted, Liz. Anyone else interested, please let me know.
Hi Liz We intend to have a teleconference for the design of the UK sociocratic study circle between 10-12noon on Thursday 12th April. It will be based in Brighton but let me know if you want the details to connect to the conference. It will be facilitated by John Buck.
Are you able to come to any of the GROW conference days around sociocracy 10/11th April in Brighton?
best wishes Sue
We have been discussing this with John Buck. Sue is making arrangements for the initial design day with John, where we gather people together with various backgrounds, experience, locations, budgets and needs, and 'set the compass' for our learning together.
We need you to write to Sue to express interest, so that she can co-ordinate needs and dates:
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